
Times and Reasons Being an Artist Rocks When Giving Gifts

Making your friend or loved one something isn't just for kids. While what you are going to make them, and how has probably changed a lot since you were a kid (I know it has for me) here are some reasons that being able to do that as an adult absolutely rocks.
1. No way anybody else got them the same thing

I have to imagine (because I didn't actually know as of when I wrote this) that I wasn't the only person to give my friends a picture frame for their wedding gift, or some of my other friends a baby blanket when they had their first kids, but the nice thing, but I can safely say nobody else got them the exact same one...and nobody else can ever get them one just like it in the cases I am refering to like it because these gifts are different from anything I sell in my shop.

2. Cost

Okay for me this has been a mixed bag because I am just creative enough to have what a friend of mine calls a bone yard of stuff left over from other art projects...a lot of other art projects...I may have lost count of how many a long time ago because I built this up over the course of most of my adult life if not going back into being a kid...but also cash strapped and dealing with other hardships to not be fully set up for some types of art projects at all enough so that weather it costs me more, less, or the same amount as just buying something can vary depending on the item

The other thing about cost is that sometimes even if it costs you more than just buying something you sometimes (depending on what kind of art you do) you might be able to give someone else something that a truly comparable item might have still cost several times as much money as you personally put into making it...not always but it's not unheard of by any means. However what money can't buy is priceless is the fact that they can honestly say they know the artist.

3. It's a good way to make the phrase �it's the thought that counts� something that is front and center in your gift giving

Talk about risky, if you don't know the person that well, or think you know more than it turns this is one place where art and gift giving can backfire...what do I think they need? Do I think they would enjoy it? Is it something I am think they can use? Is there something about their lives I know of that should go into making something for them? If it turns out I'm dead wrong, or they want to talk to me about what I was thinking that's a scary thought...but if say your friend either likes or at least used to like photography and thinks bugs are cool gluing some change color bug lights to a picture frame as a wedding gift is a lot less thoughtless than it looks, I just hope said friend and her new husband know that nothing about what I was doing with that was random.

4. You know they won't return it

Personally I'm not someone who is generally offended by the idea that if a person doesn't like what you got them (I've even gone with someone to return something I got them because it wasn't everything I hoped it would be for them), or there's something wrong with it (like the size in the case of clothing items...though I have to imagine this one might suck too for someone's who thing is making home made clothing if they don't know somebodies size) if it will mean they get something they like/enjoy unless there's a bit more that needs to be said about the thought that went into the item that I was giving them in the first place that I should probably be saying something more to them than just �here it is�. But for those people out there that are offended by that, or would be in certain cases this is one place making something rather than buying something rocks, there's no returning it to the store when you didn't get it at the store...so all those uncomfortable thoughts of it being exchanged or returned, now you only have to worry about the re-gifting situations and trash cans...sorry people can't you help with that one.

5. It's about a zillion times more fun

For the purposes of full disclosure I have not checked out the questions of if a zillion is a real number or a fictional just trying to make a point number or if there's in fact a correct way to measure how much more fun it is...however we can safely assume exact results about how much extra fun it would be will vary...That being said:

Growing up, and then into a lot of my early adult years (given that my medical issues created finical issues) up having to give gifts honestly sometimes felt like a punishment...and I will admit that over the years I have had some really hard (if not outright traumatic given my age and understanding of the what was going on at the time) experiences with watching others receive gifts and discounts while I was basically being told screw you (as a kid this was often because my parents made more money than many of the other parents while those same kids who's parents had less money often were given several times as much allowance money as I was). Even going as far sometimes as feeling like being asked to give something to another person is like being told that the express purpose is to take away from me so that I would have less because that was what people thought I didn't deserve even the slightest thing.

As bad as all of that is, making something special for a friend when there is a special occasion (and this has proven true for charitable giving as well for me over time) and being able to have some fun in the process has helped giving go from 100% agonizing to being something that (at least once in awhile) can be very joyful. I usually have some much fun making it that I can't imagine feeling pain related to giving a gift for that event.

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